(Christmas fair at KGS 2023) I start this newsletter with a
Welcome to Orkney Arts and Crafts.
We are an expanding and thriving group of artists and crafters, ranging from teenagers to octogenarians, living and working in the beautiful setting of the Orkney Islands.
These islands of the North, only about 50 miles south of Greenland, have traces of occupation from as far back as 8000 years ago and have a very long history of art and craft. Recent archaeological finds at the Ness of Brodgar, along with earlier finds from
places like Pierowall on the island of Westray show the Neolithic settlers of Orkney had great skill in stone carving and the use of natural minerals for colour. Since these earliest times, Orkney has been a place of ‘incomers’ bringing their own artistic and craft skills to the islands, leaving a rich legacy for present generations.
We members of Orkney Arts and Crafts embrace this past and the time-honoured skills handed down through the generations whilst welcoming modern crafts, techniques and materials for our products.
Of course the Northerly position with regular displays of ‘The Merry Dancers’ (Aurora Borealis), and the wide, open landscapes framed by the sea, play a big part in inspiring the painters and photographers. The traditional occupations of farming and animal husbandry have also led to long-practised crafts such as spinning, weaving, knitting and straw-work.
Whether it’s a traditional item you are looking for, or something more contemporary, the variety of products from our artists and crafters should offer you an excellent choice. Our members work in different materials and use a range of techniques to produce quality hand-made items that have the designer touch. From bonnets to bags, creepies to chairs, bangles to bowls, the choice is truly amazing. Adding that extra touch to your home, finding a gift for someone special or just treating yourself, you can find the ideal item with us.
Here you can browse our extensive members directory, find people who specialise in a specific craft (for example, textiles or woodwork), view members galleries, and keep up to date with the latest news and events.
If you like what you see, why not check to see if you can commission work? If you’re socially inclined, follow us on Facebook and Twitter! But most importantly, please keep popping back as we will be adding more members, news and events.